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Stylized bar chart of increasing stress level

Stress is more complex than ever before – it’s no longer limited to individual lives. Stress is clearly a worldwide issue, from the COVID-19 pandemic to climate changes that impact international financial pressures and unprecedented global uncertainty. Regardless of age, gender, race, ethnicity or religion, everyone is susceptible to the pressure of stress.

Some Stats on Stress, from The National Institute of Stress

83% of the US workers suffer from work-related stress.

About 75% of all doctor visits these days are stress related.

48% of employees can’t sleep during the night due to stress.

Around 60% of adults drink alcoholic beverages to escape stressful life events.

Stress causes is about 1 million workers to miss work every day 

American employers spend about $300 million every year on health care and lost work days linked to stress.

Stress is on the Rise!

Stress has a severe impact on people’s health and leads to serious issues such as high blood pressure, heart disease, and obesity. When feeling stressed, people’s ability to sleep well decreases, which leads to things like a weakened immune system, the inability to think clearly, and being high reactivity in interpersonal relationships.

When Stress is Managed, Performance Goes Up 

Left unchecked, stress impacts us both on the individual level, and collectively.

The biggest impact of stress on employees is naturally going to be ill-health, physically or mentally, or both. If we’re not feeling up to par mentally, we are prone to making mistakes in our work, which results in poor quality, poor decision-making and ultimately less than optimal outcomes for our clients and those we serve in our businesses. The obvious result of physical stress is an increase in absenteeism and staff turnover. 

Mounting stress within any organization over time prevents it from thriving. Organizations and businesses can benefit by supporting their employees at every level to manage stress well. When organizations find ways to better meet the employee’s needs around reducing stress, everyone is happier. As a result, organizations flourish, become more innovative, have a greater competitive edge, and increase profits (literally and figuratively).

The most aware organization recognizes that stress must be managed in order for the business to have any chance of fulfilling its own potential and bringing the true gifts of each individual employee to the business and to the world!

How TAP FOR JOY Can Help Your Employees

Iridescent teal butterfly

Reduces stress & anxiety

Boosts your immune system 

Increases better sleep patterns

Relieves pain 

Increases health & well-being

Improves productivity and functionality 

Fulfills your potential … and more!

Because TAP FOR JOY is so innovative, it brings a buzz of engagement and enthusiasm to any group. When people start using something so new, so cutting-edge, and so out of the ordinary, it can spur excitement and create a shared experience that leads to meaningful connection. When people within any level of an organization share their wins and insights from using TAP FOR JOY, they will uplift and support one another as they talk about how their life is getting better, less stressful. Using the app within a group is a collective stress management technique.

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©2023 Tap for Joy App, LLC.