A basic foundation for your transformation is taking responsibility for yourself and your life. It’s the key to freedom. It’s kind of ironic, right? Because responsibility and freedom are opposites. I guess, we could say it’s an oxymoron.
The opposite of taking responsibility is blaming and shaming others. Victim saying things like, “Okay, that is happening TO me, and that is happening TO me, … and I can't do anything about it.” This is an extremely disempowering place to live from!
Becoming disempowered, we often collapse, falling down. We feel we can't get back up again. We lose our connection to our true self. We forget our innate greatness. This is a huge problem because we're not fulfilling our destiny- becoming the amazing human being that we were made to be.
When we forget our inner greatness, and start thinking it’s all happening “TO” me- our challenges can take on gigantic proportions. We can become riddled with “inner smallness”. From here, it’s easy to collapse, fall down, and never get back up again. Being a victim-blaming, shaming and complaining is the place where it's hard to experience ourselves as empowered human beings.
When we recognize that we are “the source” of our lives, there is a way out of the downward spiral. When you realize you are responsible for your experiences, for what's happening to you and around you, can you begin to make changes. Not until you see that you are orchestrating all of these situations, all of these people, relationships, money flow, health, work, etc, clearly can you start to make real changes.
When challenges come to people who are victims and experience a lot of inner smallness I often hear them say, "Why is this happening to me? What did I do to deserve this? Why doesn't somebody fix it?" When people who have inner bigness and take responsibility for their life and challenges, inquire about their situation, I often hear questions like "What's here for me to learn? How is this experience helping me grow into a bigger, better person? How is it helping me to evolve? What's the gift in this challenge?"
What kind of questions are you asking when challenges come up?
To become more empowered, to have more control over your life and what you are experiencing in it, you can choose to see your life as something happening FOR you.
Seeing it all “for” you, is to appreciate the learning and growth that happens when we take responsibility and work through our challenges. It’s appreciating our evolution, because that's what we came to the planet to do- learn, grow and evolve.
You can take the stance of victim. Or … you can take responsibility for your life. It's really your choice. But just recognize that when you ask questions from inner smallness, your life trajectory is probably going to go downhill.
I know a lot about this because for the first half of my life, that was pretty much my M.O., modus operandi. I was blaming the whole world for the fact that I was a little person, and all the problems that seemed to go along with it. When I hit rock bottom, I became suicidal. At that juncture in time, someone helped me to shift my perspective to see that I was the source of those problems. I began to grasp how I could change “me” in order to change my life, both inner and outer. From that big awakening, I stepped out of the victim stance. Amazingly, things started getting better, easier, happier, more loving, more fun. And that process has just continued.
I invite you to pay attention to the questions you're asking when challenges come for you. How much are your complaining? How much are you expressing gratitude? How much are you experiencing the “I can”? Or the “I can't”? The ‘I'm going to make this happen”! Or the “Why is this happening to me?”
When you shift your attitude towards your life challenges, in whatever area- from being pushed down and punished to having an opportunity to learn and grow - you develop greater resiliency! With greater resiliency, you gain the ability to enter your challenges face on, to work through them, and resolve them. Woohoo!
So my friends, pay attention to your dialogue, both inner and outer. How are you expressing yourself? How are you responding to the challenges in your life? How much responsibility are you taking for the messes you’ve made? Or for the beautiful creations you’ve made?
Make the choice to be empowered! Take responsibility for yourself & your life! Connect with your inner greatness. Remember the key to freedom- recognizing that through your choices, you are creating and orchestrating the whole of your life. The more you do this, the more freedom will be yours.
©2023 Tap for Joy App, LLC.